Saturday, November 27, 2010


I’m so sick of food. I’m sick of making food, and I’m sick of talking about food. Since I was fourteen I’ve been cooking, talking about, and selling different kinds of food. As much as I love it, it’s been my job for too long for me not to know the ins and outs of food; how it’s made, how it’s served, how it’s eaten, and who’s washing the dishes. Working in the restaurant business has given me a lot of knowledge about food and takes away the fun of just sitting down and eating a good meal. Instead of just being a normal person sitting down and enjoying their meal, I spend the time of my meal wondering how each portion of the meal was prepared, how the cook incorporated different ingredients to produce different flavors, and what else could have been done to increase the quality of the meal. While at a restaurant, I spend more time wondering what the kitchen looks like, what type of food is used, and what style of cooking is most commonly used. Did they fry, pan sear, or grill their chicken? These are the types of things I think about because of my experience in working at a restaurant. Before the meal comes I’m ready to critique it, and while I’m waiting for the meal I’m critiquing the service of the restaurant. I feel as if I cannot just enjoy food anymore because I’ve spent too much time working with it. So if you would like the best tasting fettuccine Bolognese let me know, but I’m not going to enjoy it with you. 

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