Saturday, November 27, 2010

I'm down for whatever, you just lead the way.

     During the course of my life, there have been many times when I needed to step up to the plate and be a leader when no one else would.  From the time when I was in elementary school and all throughout my schooling, I was used to taking the initiative and leading my group or class to get the project done or goal achieved. When I was in middle school, I remember being the student in my groups who got everyone focused and working together instead of messing around with other students like everyone else.  I have always taken work seriously and when its time to get it done I’m usually always the first to get started.
     Every November at Platt Technical High School, there would be a school wide canned food drive that helped stock the Milford Food Bank and feed the hungry during the holiday season.  The school always made it a competition between the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes hoping to inspire students to take part in the food drive.  In November of 2008, I took the food drive to another level.
    After working with my principal and student government, I was allowed to personally raise funds for the food drive.  So instead of just gathering canned foods from students, I was permitted to collect monetary donations that would in turn be used to buy more canned goods to be entered into the drive.  Every week, I persistently gathered money from faculty and students to support the food drive.  After three weeks, I collected over $1000 and purchased canned foods that filled three pick up trucks.  My principal allowed me and students of my choice to leave school in Milford, drive to Price Rite in Bridgeport and buy almost everything they had stocked.  
    At the end of the food drive, there were 16000 non perishable food items donated school wide and I was responsible for funding and purchasing roughly 10000 of those items.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really not sure why I stepped up and was a leader in this situation. I just felt the need to give back to those who needed it.
