Saturday, November 13, 2010


Monday:  Wake up, work all day, homework, sleep.
Tuesday:  Wake up, go to school from 8:10 AM until 7:30 PM.
Wednesday:  Wake up, work all day, homework, sleep.
Thursday:  Wake up, go to school from 8:10 AM until 7:30 PM.
Friday:  Wake up, work all day, work all night, sleep.
Saturday:  Wake up, get things done, work all night, sleep.
Sunday:  Day off.

First off, I really hate my life at this point in time.  I am constantly stressed by my schedule and attempt to find relief from whatever is available.  The one thing that I can always rely on as a stress relief is going to the gym.  Before classes started in August, my weekly schedule was much different.  The gym was always incorporated into my daily routine and I was in the best shape of my life.  It felt good to hit the gym hard every day and looking good was a great confidence booster as well.  Now my life has made a big change.  I fit the gym in where I can and therefore am not as fit as I could be.
         The gym is the perfect place to blow off some steam.  Throw some weights around, get the stress and anger out and then look good as a result is a perfect plan for the easily stressed.  Sometimes if schedules coincide, I can meet up with the guys at the gym and talk about where we're at and what upcoming things we got going on.  Obviously we talk about the girls in our lives and how crazy that can drive us (which usually leads us to the gym so somehow it’s a vicious cycle).  The gym is great place to regroup and get your head straight.  Sometimes the best part is just not thinking about anything.  Just running on the treadmill or throwing up the bar on the bench can distract you from everything else and I've found that thinking about nothing is sometimes the best thought you could ever have.

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