Saturday, September 4, 2010

So you want to get to know me?

It is hard for someone to sit and find five words that can define or summarize themselves without stumbling upon the fact that it is almost impossible to do so without leaving a characteristic or trait out. I can say that I am a happy person while I sometimes find myself sad. I could also say that I am patient, but I also can find myself screaming at a red light. However, I have learned that while I allow these characteristics and emotions to define me at a certain point in time, I have also learned that various traits and qualities will remain unchangeable.

Throughout my life I have found that determination is essential to success. I am determined to do well in school in order to improve the lifestyle of myself as well as my future family. I have always told myself that you can’t make it unless you want to make it. In the past few years, I have realized how badly I am determined to become something and be able to say, “I made it.”

When I was fourteen, I got my first job washing dishes in a small restaurant kitchen. I always knew that I was a hardworking individual as I made my way through school, but getting a job at such a young age, working as much as I did, and continuing to be employed at the same place five years later (with several raises and promotions) reassured that I am in fact that hardworking young man I thought myself to be.

School has given me the desire and capacity to learn. I can proudly say that I am an intellectual person with ambition and the ability to gain knowledge and be a life-long learner. Education combined with my intellect will assure success later on in life.

During my experiences as growing boy and becoming a young adult I have learned to have a good judgment of character and am able to dictate the results of certain situations based on prior knowledge. Being a very intuitive person, I know when I am in a place or around people who may not be a positive influence on others or myself. This wisdom allows me to keep myself out of trouble and make well-rounded decisions.

I am a very respectful individual. I have been commended for my customer service and always treat others with respect. I have never intentionally hurt another person, and I appreciate others for who they are, and I am respectful of their choices and situations in their lives.

Defining yourself is a very hard thing to do. I have decided to not let words, things or concepts define me as a person. Instead, I have chosen to let my actions define me because actions truly do speak louder than words

1 comment:

  1. I think you clearly have a grip on how you present yourself. You are right especially about the determined trait. My favorite quote is, "If you reach for the moon, you'll at least land among the stars."
