Saturday, September 18, 2010

Blind Leading the Blind

Have you ever had the feeling that you are completely lost?  Have you ever felt that the world and everyone in it was moving, but you were just at a stand still watching it all happen? If you answered yes, you are not alone!  I have felt this way for a very long time, and being in college has only reassured me that I have lost myself along the way and I'm struggling to complete mission impossible and find myself. I'd like to think that the day I find myself, I'll be sitting there, waiting patiently, and welcome the arrival of a distorted me.

Changes in life cause people to lose themselves somewhere in the chaos, and I found that the self-recovery/discovery is the most difficult part of the process.  It is very easy to find yourself in a series of life changing events and feel as if you come out of them as a different person.  What's important to understand is that yes, you may come out of these situations more mature, with more wisdom and experience, but we cannot let the disappointment, pain, or loss change who we are on the inside.  We cannot grow cold or become bitter.  We must learn, grow, mature, and appreciate what we have been through and use it to our advantage.  We all know that life goes on, there are ups and downs and some call it a roller coaster.  Remember that all roller coasters do come to an end, so we should hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

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