Saturday, September 25, 2010

Top Blogs

For this weeks second assignment, I had to do a bit of research on blogs.  I have never been a blogger, never read about blogs, and never read a blog.  I'm not sure what defines a good blog nor do I know how to blog properly.  Looking into other professional blogs has given me an idea of how to incorporate professionalism, humor, and information all into one.  I researched a political blog and a blog about "getting things done" which mostly pertained to technology.  The two had very different styles which would make sense due to the differences in the subject.

I used a website called to find these top blogs.

Think Progress is a "hard-hitting progressive political news site" according to  It has a very professional feel to it while also bringing in some nice colors and captions.  It mostly consists of pictures and links, while the other blog had mostly videos.  It tackles a plethora of different aspects of politics in regards to all parties.  Being someone who is not very informed about politics, I wasn't sure if it was a bias blog or which party it favored.  It also is not for someone who doesn't know much about politics.  So definitely be informed before you log on.

Life Hacker provides tips and downloads for making things easier.  It mostly has information on how to use technology in order to do so.  One blog I found interesting was How To Hack ESPN Fantasy Football To Get Any Player You Want (Update: Fixed).  Where else would you find something like that?  Most websites would tell you that hacking is illegal, etc.  This blog includes a lot of videos and links that help you find tips to use your Mac, iPod, wi-fi, or whatever your using at that time of day.  Really a great site for anyone looking for tips.


Time management is something that I have always struggled with.  With many different responsibilities and obligations, it becomes very difficult to balance everything and find time to complete everything efficiently.  With school and work, its becomes hard to socialize.  When it comes time to socialize, its hard to balance time with my girlfriend or time with my friends.  Every activity needs to be managed so it could recieve the attention it needs in order for the obligation to be completed with enough time to move on to the next one and complete that task.

This week in class we talked about how many hours there are in one week and how we use our time.  I found that I don't have a lot of time to be flexible with.  I have 10 free hours in my week which could easily be given up to time wasted at a red lights, waiting in line at the store, getting caught up on the phone with an aunt or any other thing that we find distracts us (no disrespect to Auntie, but things need to get done).  Its easy to find us looking at the clock thinking "Where did the time go?" and in class this week it allowed me to break it down and know the answer to that question.

Every student has trouble managing there time.  Things might have been a little easier in high school when Mom and Dad were holding our hands through our days (this does NOT pertain to me) telling us where we needed to go, what needed to be done, and how we should do it.  For example, no one at work this evening reminded me that when I left at 11 that I needed to have my blogs done by 12.  A few blown red lights later (I guess I saved sometime down the road this week) I found myself at my computer on blogger.

Managing our time is key to success in college.  I am struggling to grapple this concept, but I am sincerely working towards mastering my week and putting the clock in its place.

TIme flies!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Outcasts United

While I was beginning to read Outcasts United, I was originally thinking "this is just another pointless, annoying summer reading project."  Well, I read on and continued to feel that way.  Few more chapters in I said to myself "well damn, I still feel the same way."  I soon realized that this wasn't just a book about a bunch of kids kicking a ball around.  This book had a bigger meaning and symbolized something more important that a soccer ball.

This book is the story of many different children and families who all came to the United States because of war and famine in their countries of origin.  Many of these children came from countries where shoes weren't even worn; they would walk around their neighborhoods barefoot.  Reading the different stories, I started to feel a connection with the children and families.  I imagined how hard it would be to live in a place where civil war was a daily routine.  I tried to imagine being in my home and having police officers storm through the door and kill my family members.  Then my final thought was "how can these individuals proceed to live a normal life and be successful?"  I still have not come up with an answer.  It amazes me that people are strong enough to endure all that physical, psychological, and emotional damage and over come all of the odds and start a new life.  To be a single mother with three children and have to commute an hour each way to work, and think about these scenes from the past.  It takes a very strong person to move on from these thoughts and experiences.

If put in a position of a refugee, how do you think you would cope with the stress and memories of a desolate homeland and family?

Young children in a refugee camp.
Image courtesy of google images

Blind Leading the Blind

Have you ever had the feeling that you are completely lost?  Have you ever felt that the world and everyone in it was moving, but you were just at a stand still watching it all happen? If you answered yes, you are not alone!  I have felt this way for a very long time, and being in college has only reassured me that I have lost myself along the way and I'm struggling to complete mission impossible and find myself. I'd like to think that the day I find myself, I'll be sitting there, waiting patiently, and welcome the arrival of a distorted me.

Changes in life cause people to lose themselves somewhere in the chaos, and I found that the self-recovery/discovery is the most difficult part of the process.  It is very easy to find yourself in a series of life changing events and feel as if you come out of them as a different person.  What's important to understand is that yes, you may come out of these situations more mature, with more wisdom and experience, but we cannot let the disappointment, pain, or loss change who we are on the inside.  We cannot grow cold or become bitter.  We must learn, grow, mature, and appreciate what we have been through and use it to our advantage.  We all know that life goes on, there are ups and downs and some call it a roller coaster.  Remember that all roller coasters do come to an end, so we should hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Live Strong

In "Work Hard or Work Smart" by Tom Weber, the author talks about how many workers have trouble balancing the ideas of working hard meaning they "put there heads down, and keep their noise to the grindstone" and get the job done, or working smart and "looking for a shortcut, scheming to find an easier way...".  Many workers usually sacrifice one type of work for another meaning that a hard worker may work extremely hard and get the job done regardless of the difficulty but fail to find ways to be more efficient and find ways to get more done.  Likewise, some smart workers who pride themselves in finding ways to get it done faster also fail to be capable of just sitting down and getting the work done.  They may waste more time trying to find an easier way and may not be as efficient as the working counterpart, "the hard worker." This makes me wonder "do we need to sacrifice hard work in order to do smart work (or sacrifice smart work for hard work)?"

Personally, I believe the desireable, well balanced worker is somehow who has characteristics that pertain to both the hard worker and the smart worker.  A solid worker must be able to sit down, understand the work and the amount that must be done and be capable of getting it done properly and in a short amount of time.  Also, they must be able recognize patterns or other characteristics in the work and be able to manipulate it to find ways to get and be proficient.  Well if this is true then I don't believe we need to sacrifice one type of worker for another, but more importantly find workers who have the desirable qualities from each type of work.

The author closes the article with "work smart, work hard and live strong" and I truely believe that in order to live strong, we need to be able to work smart and work hard.  Smart work + hard work = strong living!

Obstacle Course

We all faces challenges and obstacles in our lives.  Some of us find it easy to face these challenges and overcome the obstacles while many of us get stuck struggling to figure out how to handle our situations.

Something I have struggled with in the first couple weeks of college is dealing with the transition from being in a technical high school where most of the work was concentrated on our trade rather than the academic aspect of school.  I also took a year off between high school and college to work which also adds in the difficulty of my current transition.  When I was high school, things seem to move along quickly.  I always had a handle on my work, was able to stay focused, but also had a negative "get in, get out" attitude.  I did not like my high school nor did I like the idea of being a tradesmen, specifically a plumber for the rest of my life.  Going to a technical school was not my first choice, and I do regret that I had the attitude that I had in middle school which influenced my mothers decision in enrolling me into the local tech school.  She felt that my attitude was a life long sentiment, and  with that attitude I might not succeed in the academic world.  Looking back I cannot argue with her insight, but I just wish she had known its typical of a preteen to be rebellious to the idea of doing homework in eight grade.

I have found that being in college and adjusting to the work load has been very stressful, and dealing with the anxiety of the requirements of this class and the due dates of that syllabus is something that I was not prepared for with the educational background that I have.  It's funny how preparation for one scenario entirely unprepared me for another.
I am going to work hard at renewing my mind and refocusing my energy and hopefully I can make the necessary changes I need to make in order to be a successful college student. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Expectations of the college life!

In my personal opinion, college is a stepping-stone on the way to success. Graduating with a degree in something I enjoy and respect doing will not only give me joy, but it will give me the strength and knowledge I need to build a future.

Being a college student means staying up late studying, waking up early to go to class, and learning to have a good sense of time management. On a more personal note, I have some expectations for this year that I plan on fulfilling. For example, I would like to be able to manage the stress of working close to full time while also going to school full time. I want to learn how to managing paying for most of my expenses but not at the expense of losing out on my education and social life.

Socially, I expect that college will open the doors for me and allow me to create a close group of fun, smart, and mature friends. I hope that I will make life long friends and continue to communicate with them and keep a solid connection both personally and professionally.

In the future, I want to have a well paying job with a beautiful family and home. I expect that my college education along with my effort will highly increase the chances of this dream coming true. Although the economy and job market is very unstable at this point in time, I believe that with my degree and my perseverance I will overcome all obstacles, and put me one step ahead in this tough time.


So you want to get to know me?

It is hard for someone to sit and find five words that can define or summarize themselves without stumbling upon the fact that it is almost impossible to do so without leaving a characteristic or trait out. I can say that I am a happy person while I sometimes find myself sad. I could also say that I am patient, but I also can find myself screaming at a red light. However, I have learned that while I allow these characteristics and emotions to define me at a certain point in time, I have also learned that various traits and qualities will remain unchangeable.

Throughout my life I have found that determination is essential to success. I am determined to do well in school in order to improve the lifestyle of myself as well as my future family. I have always told myself that you can’t make it unless you want to make it. In the past few years, I have realized how badly I am determined to become something and be able to say, “I made it.”

When I was fourteen, I got my first job washing dishes in a small restaurant kitchen. I always knew that I was a hardworking individual as I made my way through school, but getting a job at such a young age, working as much as I did, and continuing to be employed at the same place five years later (with several raises and promotions) reassured that I am in fact that hardworking young man I thought myself to be.

School has given me the desire and capacity to learn. I can proudly say that I am an intellectual person with ambition and the ability to gain knowledge and be a life-long learner. Education combined with my intellect will assure success later on in life.

During my experiences as growing boy and becoming a young adult I have learned to have a good judgment of character and am able to dictate the results of certain situations based on prior knowledge. Being a very intuitive person, I know when I am in a place or around people who may not be a positive influence on others or myself. This wisdom allows me to keep myself out of trouble and make well-rounded decisions.

I am a very respectful individual. I have been commended for my customer service and always treat others with respect. I have never intentionally hurt another person, and I appreciate others for who they are, and I am respectful of their choices and situations in their lives.

Defining yourself is a very hard thing to do. I have decided to not let words, things or concepts define me as a person. Instead, I have chosen to let my actions define me because actions truly do speak louder than words