Saturday, October 30, 2010

Back To The Starting Line

The day I logged on to banner web to check my midterm grades was a very disappointing day.  Although I knew I wasn’t giving school my best effort, I thought that I would have higher grades than I did.  After viewing the grades, it made rethink the decisions I had made in the past couple months.  It allowed me to take a step back and remember why I was enrolled in Southern in the first place; make the grade.  Slacking was not something I envisioned myself doing.  Coming from the rough past I’ve had from questionable decisions I previously made, I saw that college was a new start. How can I allow myself to start off on the wrong foot when this may be my only opportunity to start over again?
As a whole, I am not where I want to be in terms of my midterm grades. I’m not where I want to be because of my lack of time management. I did not put enough time or effort into studying because I focused on other things instead and put off school for as long as possible. In order to do well in school in the future, I need to have better time management. I also need to refocus my energy into school, grades, and studying. Lastly, I need to re-asses my priorities. Instead of putting other things such as work ahead of studying, I’m going to do my schoolwork first and keep up with my assignments. The goals that I have for myself for the remainder of the semester are to get my grades up and maintain B’s or better.

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