Saturday, December 4, 2010


Being in the INQ learning community has provided me with a comfortable environment to start off my college career.  Seeing the same faces gives people some type of comfort I think because it gives you a sense of being familiar with what is going on around you.  Had I started Southern seeing different people all the time, I wouldn’t really feel like I belonged somewhere.  Be placed in classes with the same students almost gives you that high school feeling of going from class to class with each other which is good in a way.  Our three other classes (or sometimes more) shows us the other side of things so it’s a good balance between the two extremes.
            I think that the comfort feeling is what I will miss most.  Next semester I’m going to be in classes with a bunch of people that I don’t know and will only see the next time I go to that class so it gives less opportunity for a relationship to build between students.  Instead of just being a commuter floating between classes and not really knowing anyone, the learning community also gives me that familiar face feeling throughout the campus and not just in class.  So instead of just walking around not knowing anyone, I can get some comfort from knowing that I recognize someone.  Being in a learning community has given me a few contacts around Southern so I know I can call someone if I need help with a project or want to study with someone.  The learning communities provide a steady and secure bridge for making the connection to the campus community for first time students.

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